Aluminium Window Hood Awnings Brisbane

A traditional Window Hood combined with the strength of a regular Aluminium Awning to form what is called an Aluminium Window Hood Awning in Brisbane.

  • 50% Gloss pearl white finish that reflects natural light inside.
  • No unsightly screws or rivets. All our fixings are concealed within powder coated extrusions.
  • Also The Claredale has a massive 50 x 35mm extruded front beam for strength and to cater for wide spans.
  • A great choice of modern and traditional colors.
  • All our aluminium products in Brisbane have an exterior paint 50% gloss silicone modified polyester with corrosive inhibitive primer to AS2728 specifications which stands up to our harsh Australian Climate.

Oz Shades Aluminium Exterior Awnings Alum Window Hoods

Oz Shades Aluminium Exterior Awnings Alum Window Hoods

Our Aluminium Window Hood Awnings Brisbane make a strong statement for commercial use.